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Name Triples Warnings Format Issue Last Update Ckan Catalog
rkb-explorer-darmstadt sparql No JSON object could be decoded 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
istat-immigration sparql <urlopen error [Errno 110] Connection timed out> 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
eagle-i-hawaii sparql HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
rkb-explorer-digitaleconomy sparql No JSON object could be decoded 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
eagle-i-jsu sparql HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
education-data-gov-uk sparql EndPointInternalError: endpoint returned code 500 and response. Response: <html> <head><title>internal error</title></head> <body> <h1>Sorry</h1>... 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
eagle-i-ohsu sparql HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
open-data-thesaurus sparql unknown response content type 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
rkb-explorer-gdlc sparql EndPointNotFound: it was impossible to connect with the endpoint in that address, check if it is correct. Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=... 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
flyted sparql EndPointNotFound: it was impossible to connect with the endpoint in that address, check if it is correct. Response: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IET... 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
british-museum-collection sparql EndPointNotFound: it was impossible to connect with the endpoint in that address, check if it is correct. Response: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IET... 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
fu-berlin-dblp sparql EndPointNotFound: it was impossible to connect with the endpoint in that address, check if it is correct. Response: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IET... 8 years, 5 months, 14 days and 23 hours ago datahubio
data-gov sparql unknown response content type 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
insemtives sparql <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known> 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
eagle-i-psm sparql HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
fu-berlin-dailymed sparql HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
rkb-explorer-italy sparql No JSON object could be decoded 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
http-data-noticias-universia-net sparql HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
wiktionary-dbpedia-org sparql HTTP Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
ministero-per-i-beni-e-le-attivita-culturali_iccu sparql unknown response content type 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago pdeu
kdata sparql unknown response content type 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
ordnance-survey-linked-data sparql <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known> 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
data-incubator-metoffice sparql <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known> 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
ministero-per-i-beni-e-le-attivita-culturali_dati_culturitalia sparql unknown response content type 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago pdeu
eagle-i-harvard sparql HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
iucr-acta-cryst-e sparql <urlopen error [Errno 110] Connection timed out> 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
rkb-explorer-laas sparql No JSON object could be decoded 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
rkb-explorer-budapest sparql No JSON object could be decoded 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
rkb-explorer-kisti sparql No JSON object could be decoded 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
rkb-explorer-dotac sparql No JSON object could be decoded 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
taiwan-geographic-names sparql <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused> 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
rxnorm sparql HTTP Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
twc-logd sparql HTTP Error 403: Forbidden 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
thesaurus-w sparql EndPointNotFound: it was impossible to connect with the endpoint in that address, check if it is correct. Response: Error 404: Not Found 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
datos-bcn-cl sparql <urlopen error [Errno 113] No route to host> 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 1 hour ago datahubio
raphaelresearchresource sparql unknown response content type 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 2 hours ago datahubio
rkb-explorer-enaktingpsi sparql EndPointNotFound: it was impossible to connect with the endpoint in that address, check if it is correct. Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=... 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 2 hours ago datahubio
lofd sparql HTTP Error 502: Proxy Error 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 2 hours ago datahubio
bygninger-i-oslo sparql <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known> 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 2 hours ago datahubio
fu-berlin-stitch sparql HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 3 hours ago datahubio
legislation-sparql-api sparql unknown response content type 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 3 hours ago pdeu
land-registry-monthly-property-transaction-data sparql EndPointInternalError: endpoint returned code 500 and response. Response: Missing template qonsole_rails/qonsole/index, qonsole_rails/application... 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 3 hours ago pdeu
rkb-explorer-crm sparql No JSON object could be decoded 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 3 hours ago datahubio
lemonwordnet sparql EndPointInternalError: endpoint returned code 500 and response. Response: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; chars... 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 3 hours ago datahubio
eu-who-is-who sparql <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known> 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 3 hours ago datahubio
rkb-explorer-era sparql No JSON object could be decoded 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 3 hours ago datahubio
museums-in-italy sparql <urlopen error [Errno 110] Connection timed out> 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 3 hours ago datahubio
eurobarometer-standard sparql <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known> 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 4 hours ago datahubio
education-openuplabs sparql unknown response content type 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 4 hours ago datahubio
ordnance-survey-linked-data sparql <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known> 8 years, 5 months, 15 days and 4 hours ago datahubio
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